Sari sari is a filipino soup that I love. I kinda made up a recipe. I failed miserably in trying to make "just a little". I cut up the smallest squash I could find, three tomatoes, three eggplants, one big onion, about 4 big cloves of garlic and a package of long beans, and sauteed everything in a little bit of oil. As you can see it filled up my pot . . .

and I still needed to add 1 1/2 pounds of chinese roast pork and about 1 1/2 pounds of shrimp. So, after transferring everything to a bigger pot, I added the roast pork, the shrimp, 5 cans of chicken broth and 1/2 cup of patis.

This is how it turned out. I should've put more of the liquid into the bowl for the picture 'cause it's actually a "soup", but I wanted to show off all the ono-looking ingredients. Next time I'll cut the squash thinner 'cause some of the pieces were too crunchy. It was tasty, though.
Wow, Jalna! This looks so ONO! I don't think I've ever eaten this before and I've eaten a lot of Filipino food. Sad thing though, I can't eat shellfish anymore so the shrimp would be a no no for me.
So sad about your shellfish allergy. I never knew you could develop allergies until I had surgery last year and found out that I had developed an allergy to latex. I couldn't understand why I was so itchy until a HUGE blister formed under some surgical tape that was used to hold some stitches together.
That is one of my favorite dishes! How you never tell me you was making sari sari? I would have invited myself to dinner. That's OK, you can bring me some for lunch tomorrow.
You are such a tease!!!! SHRIMP RRRRR. By the way I refuse to look at my 401k!!!
That is one of my favorite soups ever. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to Elenas when I go home to visit. Yummy!!
Oh, Elena's is my favorite, Anon!
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