It seems that Ross is trying to get rid of their excess Christmas stock and have reduced the prices on a bunch of their items, mostly the arts and crafts stuff.
I bought this Acrylic paint set.

It sells for $44.31 on Amazon. Guess what I paid for it.
Wow! Good deals.
Really??? What a jerk parking like that! I’ve had that happen to me too..had to get in from the passenger side.
score! but grr to the lolo that cannot park
Great deals! But that truck, OMG, I would have turned his side mirrors in and put his windshield wipers up or just put a note on his windshield that he was an ass. Put it so he has to get out of his truck again and walk around to the other side to reach the note! Mich
Oh wait, his truck window is down a little, was he still in the car? Such an ass! I hope he moved so you could get in!
Wow, what a steal, nice. Ah, people are so inconsiderate when parking their vehicles, not caring how others are going to get into theirs, hope get bachi,nah. My brother said the Ross's on King St is going to be closing down, he said the store is not re-stocking inventory.
Ho boy. Win some, lose some. I hope you were able to get out.
Izsmom, score yah! Wish I was more into acrylics though. LOL. I managed to squeeze into the car from my side.
Kat, probably another I-No-Care person.
Mich, you too funny. I felt like doing that, but I'm too chicken. No, the person wasn't in the car. And I think it was a wahine. There was a sticker that said "KAU GIRL" on it. I'll text you a picture I took of the other side of the truck that shows how much choke space she had on the other side of her stall.
Chet, so rude yah! I heard that they were closing. Wonder what's gonna replace.
Aunty, true dat.
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