I started a lifestyle change 1 1/2 years ago in July 2021. Since then I lost 20 pounds and gained back 5. I'm trying really hard to not gain back more than that.
I eat 2 meals a day with my first meal usually being overnight oats. I don't deny myself carbs. I do eat rice, noodles and bread but in limited portions . . . sorta. I also try to limit the sweets and the salty. I try not to eat after 4:00 p.m.
Oh yah, I walk almost every morning. Just for a little bit . . . about 1/2 hour . . . and not really fast . . . 'cause I'm lazy. I barely ever break a sweat.
Here are my recent lab results with "before" figures for comparison. 🥳

you so healthy!
I'm sorta borderline in everything couple points over or under the standard.
Good job, Jalna! I am working on my numbers. I need to eat better, sleep better, exercise, eliminate stress. LOL. Wish me more than luck since I don't do any of that!
Congratulations! Terrific! I wish my numbers were like that. Are you still vegan? I can’t do vegan, my family is such carnivores. LOL
doing good! gonna take time…I would never be able to not eat after 4 though :)
Awesome results!
Hey, your numbers look close to mine. My A1c is a little worse.
I’m glad you brought your numbers down, it‘s so hard during the holidays.
All the good food is everywhere!
Take care!
Congratulations, great numbers, it's better than mine. You even improved it from the previous test. Mainthing is keeping the weight down, a 5lb gain is ok. Another positive, is staying away from the statin medications, lots of side effects. My cholesterol is 189, HDL 79, LDL 79, no medications.
V, for the longest time I was borderline everything too.
Aunty, ho the eliminate stress part is the hardest. The older I get the stresser I get.
Izsmom, thanks. No, not vegan. That was only for little while. Too hard.
Kat, that is soooo hard.
Anon, thanks!
Hi Mich! Thanks!
Dean, hey! Glad you're keeping your numbers down!
Chet, that's unreal, no meds! I think you're right about the weight.
Congratulations!, especially making it through the holidays. It takes discipline and self control which I do not possess. Hats off to you!
Bonny Ogg
Bonny, thanks!
That's amazing results! Keep it up!
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