Thanks for your tips for deterring birds from eating Landon's chili peppers!
I hung up this sparkly holographic star lei that I had been saving for some unknown reason . . .

and I attached this onion bag netting to it. I need to get another one . . . or two. Thanks PlantMama!!
I feel your frustration, Jalna. We don't have those birds here, so far. Got 60,000 axel deer and counting on island eating every vegetation in site. I have no ti leaves left in back. Tried battery sensor lights and someone suggested Iris spring soap. They are laughing at us.
Beautiful animals but...Sooo destructive.
Good luck keep us posted how long your remedies last.
Bonny OGG
Fun! I see you have culantro flower stalk in your pot. I was told by Bobbie at Koolau Farms that if it flowers, the plant is dying, so I cut off the flower stem, but sometimes I let it go to get seeds. Also, it likes to be in the shade.
Good luck on those pesky birds!
Smart ideas. I forgot about netting. I think the netting works the best. When we had a chili pepper plant we put netting over it and the birds hardly ate the peppers.
Great ideas!
V, ho, what a problem!! I agree . . . I feel like the birds are watching me and laughing. 😆
Aunty, thanks!
Izsmom, so far it's working.
Kat, LOL.
Susan, I agree!
We've been in a constant battle with birds. sigh... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
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