Kat (Our Adventures in Japan) posted a photo of a Chinese restaurant that she and Satoshi had visited. I thought that the store front was so cute. I decided to draw it. You can check out her post here.
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Wow! Nice. You are talented.
Cool drawing! Reminds me of Esther Nowell's travel sketch journals. Keep on drawing - you are SO good!
love this! look forward to seeing your finished version:)
J, you've gotten so good, it looks like a pro drew it. Wow, so talented.Do you "art" every day?-N
Chinese restaurant called Taiga? I wonder how good it is.
Yokohama has a very sizable Chinatown. We visited a Chinatown in Kobe. Nice sketch, pretty spot on.
absolutely love it!!!!
only a couple of mistakes though...you didn't count the number of bricks correctly, LOLOL
Izsmom, thanks!
Aunty, thank you. I enjoyed seeing a few of her sketches.
Kat, maybe it is finished. Not sure if I'm gonna color.
Kay, Kat's photos of the food looked good.
Chet, I don't think I've ever been to a Chinatown in Japan.
You are amazing! My art skills are stick people, butterflies & flowers.
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