Monday, June 21, 2021

Mix Arare from 7 Eleven

Holy cow, this was so bland I could scarcely believe it.  😂

I even gave it a second chance the following day thinking that maybe my taste buds somehow weren't functioning properly before.

Nope, still bland.  I'm usually impressed by the food stuff from 7 Eleven, but not this time.  I trashed the bag.  Wasn't worth the carbs.  At least it was only $1 something. 



Honolulu Aunty said...

That is a surprise! Thanks for the tip - won't buy kakimochi from there!

Anonymous said...

Looks so shoyu-ey! Yuck if no more flavor!


K and S said...


Anonymous said...

does the package say country of origin?
Really disappointing that it could be so bland. There is a brand at Longs that I bought once that was tastless too. forgot which one but when I know when I go to buy kaki mochi which one it is.
P.S. remeber long time ago there was a red colored kaki mochi that was shaped like sakura and they had large size and small. It was on the sweeter side too. I wonder why can't find it anymore because I used to love that one. Makes me think the red dye must have been toxic.

Dd said...

hummm...did you notice who packages for 711??

jalna said...

Aunty, yah, I hope I remember. LOL.

Izsmom, so surprised me 'cause it looked good.

Kat, yeah.

V, I dug it out of the trash. It says Product of Vietnam. I don't remember the red kaki mochi, but I must've had it before.

Dd, it says Distributed by Aloha Gourmet Products, Inc.

Anonymous said...

oh yah, that aloha gourmet one in the stores don't taste good. I don't buy those!

Susan said...

Only Japan makes it right : )

Erick said...

Probably made in Texas that's way taste junk.

jalna said...

V, ahhhh. I'll try to remember.

Susan, I agree!

Erick, LOL.