Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Capturing a Swarm of Honeybees

You can tell when I've run out of blogging material when I start posting YouTube videos.  😄

So here you are . . . a YouTube video.  But, holy cow, this one was so interesting to me, I ended up wishing that the video was longer.

Be back in a few days or so when I have something to share.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Scary! But we need the honey bees!

Don’t stay away too long! Love your posts.


jalna said...

Izsmom, I know!!! I love honey bees, but I was nervous for the guy. It won't be long. Just until I have something to blog about.

Susan said...

We had a nest of honey bees that got in between the tin roofing and wood paneling of our church. Good thing we had a bee man in our congregation. : )

Honolulu Aunty said...

That was so neat! And he was bare handed and unprotected. I don't know how he figured out and found the queen so fast. Unreal!

jalna said...

Susan, lucky!!

Aunty, wasn't it cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

J, I found a whole bunch of bee keeping vids on YouTube and was mesmerized. Yeah, lots of them go without protective gear. One guy, a newbie to apiary, vid'd his adventure and when things were set up a cold spell hit and when he went back he had less than half the hives. It was like a soap opera. My landlord is an apiarist for her farm. She had to learn everything almost by herself. Makes sense a farm keeps bees. She had to move them to their watermelon fields. She said though we don't have winter they go dormant from March for a few months. They buy their Queens from the Big Island. They don't like the color black or perfumes. She showed me 2 stings as she was wearing black gloves, got inside and stung her.Sadly they don't harvest the honey but she does (I don't like honey)-N

jalna said...

N, that's so interesting! I used to not like honey when I was a kid. My mom would try to give me some when I was sick, and it would make me gag. LOL.