Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Kai met up with his brother Teru and his dad Yume yesterday. He even got to enjoy a special meal prepared by R.  Kai had a blast and was so tired on the ride home that he could barely keep his eyes open. Thank you so much R and S!!

And it was awesome seeing you again, Kat!

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Anonymous said...

Awww…how fun! So cute Kai trying so hard to stay awake.


Dd said...

ummm....wondering if Kai got INTO da pool action ??

Anonymous said...

Kai eats better than me!

Honolulu Aunty said...

Our first family dog was a poi dog - Kimo. Our friend Chris would bring his rottweiler puppy (named BooBoo) over to play occasionally and they would play so hard that they would be so exhausted at the end of the day, they barely had the energy to eat dinner before passing out again. So cute.

And what a spread for the doggies! Did they make something for you too?

Susan said...

I love this so much !!

K and S said...

was fun, nice seeing you too!

Chet Colson said...

What a family reunion.
Wow, the dawgs eat better than I do.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a feast and well balanced too!

Bonny Ogg

jalna said...

Izsmom, I was wondering why he didn't just put his head down and sleep.

Dd, he did get totally in at one time.

V, me too!

Aunty, we did have awesome food from Rice Box Cafe in Mililani.

Susan, ❤️

Kat, 😁

Chet, cool yah.

Bonny, I'm trying to small kine copy with Kai's meals.