Sunday, July 7, 2024

Kai - 4 Months Old






Susan said...

I want to see how big he gets. When do they stop growing?

Honolulu Aunty said...

So handsome now! And oh-oh, he is starting to dig up your lawn...

Anonymous said...

J, O M G he's a teenager already. On one hand puppyhood is so adorable and too short but the rascally things they do to learn is not. He is one handsome dog though. -N

Chet Colson said...

Aww.... Kai so cute. Please hug him for me. ❤️

K and S said...

happy 4 months!

Anonymous said...

He’s getting so big! Handsome dog.


Anonymous said...

wow, he looks almost full grown! But puppy behavior at that size.....

jalna said...

Susan, I forget already. I gotta google.

Aunty, pukas in the lawn all over the place. I told Wendell I give up trying to stop him.

N, so rascal!!

Chet, awwww, I will.

Kat, thanks!

Izsmom, he is growing and growing.

V, it is exhausting.

KirkK said...

What a sweet and handsome boy!

jalna said...

Kirk, sometimes not so sweet. LOL.