I bought mealworms from Petco for Fred. I got the large-sized worms and they're kinda too big, but so far he's okay with that. In fact, he seems to like them a lot.
omg, Jalna, You so funny! But, I used to keep a poison dart frog but had to feed it live bugs, mostly ants that were easier to find. v
J, you're a good lizard mom. Smart idea too. You got a lizard I got spiders. Love spiders my place has so many different kind of ants. They're slowly reducing the numbers. Only trouble is it's hard to feed them cuz they worked so well, no ants in bathroom. So I gotta catch ants now and it's hard cuz I gotta fling them into their webs. Ants are crazy fast too. At least you can feed Fred directly. :( -N
mine are green and black. Got tons around Manoa and I hear Kaneohe too. It's not really poisonous here but whenever my dog tried to catch one, he'd go ptui ptui ptui. v
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omg, Jalna, You so funny!
But, I used to keep a poison dart frog but had to feed it live bugs, mostly ants that were easier to find.
Love that shot of him and his hefty mealworm. LOL
LOL! Fred is so lucky!
You’re the best reptile lover I know!!
wow they are big, but at least he likes them
J, you're a good lizard mom. Smart idea too. You got a lizard I got spiders. Love spiders my place has so many different kind of ants. They're slowly reducing the numbers. Only trouble is it's hard to feed them cuz they worked so well, no ants in bathroom. So I gotta catch ants now and it's hard cuz I gotta fling them into their webs. Ants are crazy fast too. At least you can feed Fred directly.
:( -N
V, I googled "poison dart frog". They're pretty. What color was yours?
Izsmom, so easy to take pictures of him at home. LOL.
Aunty, 🤗
Susan, Fred is special.
Kat, I couldn't really see the size at the store, but now I know.
N, OMG, I'm picturing you catching and flinging ants into spider's webs. Too funny!!
mine are green and black. Got tons around Manoa and I hear Kaneohe too. It's not really poisonous here but whenever my dog tried to catch one, he'd go ptui ptui ptui.
V, 😁
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