My feet are getting drier and drier. And I have calluses. Even on my toes. How is that possible when I don't even wear shoes?
I do moisturize every night. Imagine if I didn't.

I researched online and found out about this, so ordered it from Amazon. They recommend using it twice a day at first until you see an improvement. Then you can cut it down to once a day.
Some people recommended putting it on at night before going to bed and then covering your feet with socks. BTW, Wendell's feet are worse than mine so he's gonna give it a try too.
Those socks are SO cute! One of the causes of dried up skin on feet is too much glucose in the diet. My love of an ice cold Coca Cola and donuts, etc. keep my feet cracked up. Good luck with the creme!
My feet too! Looking forward to hearing from you on how well it works.
I have dry feet like you. My favorite was a Neutrogena foot cream which they don't make anymore. I'm currently trying the foot cream from Nature Republic. I've tried multiple brands and haven't found one that I like. Keep us updated on this Amazon product.
J, maybe whateva footwear is not good for your feet for the callous which is tough skin caused by friction/pressure. Change to anudder kine little while and see. I had awful, smelly, calloused, corn feet when I worked. Finally got nice when I retired and no moe shoes. I wear only Free Spirit clogs. I use to wear SAS sandals but they calloused my feet. Gotta find a brand that matches your feet IMO.I never want to wear enclosed shoes ever again. My toesy moseys need freedom and air. -N
hope it works
I hope it works for you !
Aunty, no wonda!
Izsmom, it's been only a few days and the exfoliating part works good. Not sure about the moisturizing part yet.
De, I'll go check out the Nature Republic cream.
N, I wear Oofos slippers, recommended by my podiatrist from back when I had tendon issues. I like it a lot and even wear it to go walking. It's very cushiony. I know what you mean about covered shoes. My feet hate them. Too hot.
Kat, crossing fingers!
Susan, thanks!
I get cracked heels too every so often. Once it even bled. My daughter recommended Flexitol Heel Balm and it really works for me.
Saw this on Amazon.
Thanks Kay! I'll check it out.
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