Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Fred and Max



Anonymous said...

in our old office at pier 41, we had those green geckos and used to feed them guava or strawberry jelly or watermelon. My coworker actually filmed one jumping to catch a fly! so amazing!!!
there are 2 that live near a trash bin in back of my house and they're always fighting, trying to claim their territory. got so many in my yard, even those ugly brown ones,

K and S said...


Honolulu Aunty said...

What are you feeding the rapto and the madagascar lizards? I don't feed the aggressive raptos but I do like to put ripe mango seed leftovers on a shelf and watch the madagascars (I call them Charlie) lick and enjoy the treat.

I used to put the mango on a rock but one time a bulbul bird swooped down and snatched the lizard by its middle section and went off to finish off eating him. That was really sad.

DrumMajor said...

Cute little geckos. The smaller one almost looks like he was choking on his little nibble of the treat. Eating your food slowly is more polite I guess. I had a long-ago friend who lived in a house in Hawaii with several buddies to share the rent. Their free and loose household gecko lived and slept on top of a photo frame. He could be calmed by rubbing his tummy! Linda in gecko-less Kansas

jalna said...

V, I love the green geckos. The brown lizards aren't so endearing but Fred won my heart with his bravery and smarts.

Kat, fun.

Aunty, ack those bulbuls. I gave Fred ground pork 'cause I was defrosting some and was handy. Max got honey 'cause I'm stupid and had just dumped out my expired jelly instead of saving it for him.

Linda, how cool to have a gecko pet!!