Monday, July 31, 2023

Thank You!!

I met up with R and S yesterday and they gave me two pepper plants and some seeds to plant.  Thank you so much!!

This is called Explosive Embers Pepper . . . so pretty!

This is Jay's Peach Ghost Pepper. 


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are going out more frequently now!
What a score! I tried to grow ghost pepper plants but something kept eating the seedlings, maybe snails? Only thing I have growing now is shishito peppers

jalna said...

V, thanks! I have two shishito pepper plants . . . stems and leaves are so scrawny and limp . . . but they're hanging in there. I just repotted in an attempt to revive them using R's soil ratio - half dirt and half cinder/perlite. 🤞🏻

Honolulu Aunty said...

Since I don't see my Thai friend who would cook green curry for me, my pepper plants died. I do have one from my brother - he calls them voodoo chili. They become really black and are relatively hot.

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU! Be careful with the ghost peppers! R

Susan said...

Wow-the first one ! You guys eat a lot of peppers ?

K and S said...

so proud of you, getting out and about. hoping the peppers grow well!

Anonymous said...

Score for sure! Cover with netting so those bulbul birds don’t try to eat it.


jalna said...

Aunty, I like Thai curry.

R, hoo hoo! We will be careful.

Susan, me not too much, but Landon likes um.

Kat, thanks!

Izsmom, will do! My main nemesis right now are white flies. Grrrrrr.

Honolulu Aunty said...

Jalna, regarding white flies. They would be everywhere and sprays are really hard to do because they are on the bottom of leaves. My brother said he used the hose sprayer and shoots upward under the plant leaves. It really works to get rid of them!

Funny story - I was really shooting my plants, potted as well as inground trees. I was shooting up with such strong spray and the water was hitting the monster house that is right behind and barely 5 feet from my fence. I didn't realize that the water was going into the open window of the tenants upstairs until I heard a voice saying "HEY!" really loudly. So I said, "solly, solly" (they were Japanese nationals). So now I am much more careful but still spray underside of plants vigorously.

jalna said...

Aunty, sooooooo funny. I wonder if subconsciously you actually meant to spray that house. Thanks for the tip!