Thursday, December 29, 2022

Our Electric Bill

For the first time our electric bill was in the negative.

IMG_2739 2

In comparison, this was our last bill before we had our solar panels installed 10 years ago.  According to my calculations $531.62 x 12 months x 10 years = $63,794.40!!


Anonymous said...

wow! that danged ice maker really sucked it up!!!

Honolulu Aunty said...

Wow! Good job on getting solar! Over $500/mo savings? Our bill was about $300/mo and after solar voltaic system installed, I pay around $26/mo. Our ACs go on often because it doesn't cost us much at all anymore.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Wish ours was negative.


K and S said...

whoa?! big difference:)

Kay said...

Yeowch! I'm glad you got solar panels. We've had ours for about 10 years now and it's great, when the pigeons aren't on them.

Anonymous said...

J, what $500++ was 12 years ago?!?!! That's nuts. Since I've been renting for so long, haven't seen an electric bill in forever but $500++ is even by today's standards super high. Plus everyone says it keeps going up. Happy low electricity New Year!! -N.

jalna said...

V, soooo glad to be rid of that thing.

Aunty, our AC is pretty much on all the time now.

Izsmom, thanks!! LOL.

Kat, really yah!

Kay, what a problem those birds are for you.

N, "that's nuts" is exactly what I said back then. Happy New Year to you too!!