Sunday, October 6, 2019

Wing Shave Ice and Ice Cream

I spent the day with my three sisters yesterday. We went to a rummage sale, a bazaar, Chinatown, Marukai and Palama Market. It was great hanging out together . . . always fun . . . but by the end of the day I was beat. I totally felt my age and my out-of-shapeness.

I rarely go to Chinatown. When I do, it's usually with Wendell and then it's zip zip zip fast, so I don't get to browse. It was fun strolling through yesterday, although at some points I had to hold my breath and try not to get too distressed at the untidiness.

Geri introduced us to Wing Shave Ice and Ice Cream, a husband and wife shop with homemade ice cream.



We shared this. All three flavors . . . Kurosawa, Coconut Pandan, Calamansicle . . .  were ono. 





Anonymous said...

Interesting flavors! I was in Chinatown too. Met my friends for lunch at O’Kim’s. Love their food.


Kay said...

You are so LUCKY to have three wonderful sisters to spend time with. I love my brother, but always wished for a sister. That ice cream store looks fabulous!

Susan said...

Aye wow we twinning again. I had a “Jean Claude Pandan” ice cream (plant based) at a local coffee shop on Saturday too! Loved it!

K and S said...

everything sounds yummy

Mark Shelby said...

"NO Samples".....!

HO....Da Pake! ..... ; )

jalna said...

Izsmom, I just now checked out the menu. Looks good. What did you order?

Kay, they're wonderful company.

Susan, no way!! LOL.

Kat, yah!!

Mark, LOL, small shop. Plus handmade so maybe only got small amounts.

Anonymous said...

I love their Korean Chicken. I haven’t tried anything else yet. LOL My Family and friends have tried their Kalbi, the October Special Meat Jun with Fish Jun, Garbanzo Curry, Seaweed Salmon, Pork Belly Confit and Bibimbap. The dishes all look good and according to my family and friends pretty darn good. We also tried the Truffle Mandoo. People rave about it on Yelp. It’s fresh but for me not enough seasoning and no dipping sauce, the kanten cubes it comes with is suppose to be in place of the sauce. Their desserts are good. We just had a banana soufflé cheesecake ( it was so light and not too sweet) and their corn ice cream. So refreshing. I think you and your sisters would enjoy it.


jalna said...

Izsmom, sounds so good!! I agree about mandoo needing dipping sauce. And I also like "light and not too sweet" desserts.

Leslie's pics said...

too bad they no give out samples. I would want to try some of chose stuff I wouldn't have ordered. Except maybe the Kurosawa. Otherwise it woudla been mint chip, black sesame and smoreo :)

jalna said...

Les, I was busy taking the pictures. My sisters did the ordering.