Saturday, October 5, 2019


Every October since 2009, artists from all over the world participate in a drawing challenge called Inktober where they do one ink drawing a day.

The rules are very loose. It's more about growing and improving your drawing skills. If you like, you can follow the prompt list.

I busted out my brush pens, but I have no imagination so can't even begin to follow the daily prompt list.

Instead I'm just practicing by trying to copy the amazing Nicolas Nemiri


Chet Colson said...

I bet you could do Anime drawings. Again, you're learning so many styles/forms of sketching.

Anonymous said...

Well I have no talent so you are way ahead of me! Your art is certainly progressing in leaps and bounds. I was at Ross's Mililani and I was surprised to see bins full of artist related things like pads and papers, kits, etc,. Wow must be popular. -N

Susan said...

I think you did more work than the suggested prompts even when if you “just copied”.

Honolulu Aunty said...

Nice! You already have 6 done for the month!

K and S said...

your drawings are still nice

jalna said...

Chet, so much to learn.

N, sometimes there is too much stuff all piled up and messy . . . but Ross is still my favorite place to shop.

Susan, I totally would be doing stick drawings if I had to come up with stuff on my own.

Aunty, I'm hoping constant diligence will work.

Kat, thank you.

Leslie's pics said...

wait are all of those yours? or just the bottom? or top? Either way I like all of them!

jalna said...

Les, all my paintings, but totally copied.