I was wondering if Amazon carried the very high-end Patek Philippe watch and found that they do! I randomly picked one and found the Q & A and Review sections to be heeelarious.
Hilarious! I guess all these high end companies have to make stuff for people who have nothing to do with their many monies.
j: imagine if the ship. wasn't free....plus $21.99 shipping. p.s. at this price it should be delivered by a golden coach pulled by beautiful white horses. -N
Susan, I'm thinking what rich person would order such a thing via Amazon? I would have somebody come to my mansion with an assortment for me to pick from instead, no?
LOL, N . . . $21.99 shipping! And isn't $4.49 added to the $81,000 so strange?
"If this watch can levitate me on a solar plain so I can avoid all of the traffic in Honolulu and get to my destination in Light Speed, I'll take one"!
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Hilarious! I guess all these high end companies have to make stuff for people who have nothing to do with their many monies.
j: imagine if the ship. wasn't free....plus $21.99 shipping. p.s. at this price it should be delivered by a golden coach pulled by beautiful white horses. -N
Susan, I'm thinking what rich person would order such a thing via Amazon? I would have somebody come to my mansion with an assortment for me to pick from instead, no?
LOL, N . . . $21.99 shipping! And isn't $4.49 added to the $81,000 so strange?
Q & A pretty funny... some sharp witted people. I'll stick with my Seiko.
Good idea, Chet. LOL!
So, did it sell?
I'll add mine.
"If this watch can levitate me on a solar plain so I can avoid all of the traffic in Honolulu and get to my destination in Light Speed, I'll take one"!
Aunty, I doubt it. I think it's been on for years.
Witty people yah, Kat.
Ahahahahaha, Mark!!
Have to read the reviews for Harrisbo Gummy Bears as well:
Myko!!!!!!!!!!!! That was sooooo damn funny!!!!!!!
R E A L L Y ? ? ? I don't get it ??
Seems like a joke yah, Dd.
Funny yah, Les!!!
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