This past weekend me and my sisters went to Chinatown to check out the festivities. Sweetie got this soooo interesting drink from Summer Frappē. Guess what the stuff on the bottom is.

Preserved lemons!! Did your salivary glands just tighten up?

The drink is called Salty Lemon and it was $3.75. I liked it a lot!

Summer Frappē is on North Pauahi Street.

My lips did pucker up!
sounds good!
Totally yah, Aunty.
It was really refreshing, Kat.
I had this at Pho Ca Dao at 808 Center. It was very delish...only downside is that i slurped it in like five seconds.
And yup! Now my mouth is really watering! Sort of like when I look at a bag of li hing moi.
Really yah, Kay!!
Sounds good!...if you're having 82 degree weather. We had a bit chilly morning about 45? My friends are going to Kauai this month. I'm so jealous.
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