When these countdown signals first came out I thought that they were so cool. I liked them. Now I knew exactly how much time I had to cross the street. Right?
Wrong. I looked it up . . . because I do not want to get another $130 pedestrian ticket. It seems that once that hand is there, whether it's flashing or steady and even though you can make it across in the required amount of seconds, it means DO NOT CROSS, DO NOT STEP INTO THE STREET. WAIT FOR THE WALKING MAN SIGNAL. OFFICER M. MIRANDA IS WATCHING YOU FROM HIS MOTORCYCLE.
I got my info from a Midweek article that you can check out here.

And while we're at it . . . I've never been really sure while driving if you must turn on your blinker even when it's obvious to everyone where you're going. For example, if you're in a left-turning lane, and you can't go anywhere else but left, do you have to signal so?

The answer is YES. According to a Star Bulletin article which I found here, it is not optional.
those crosswalk rules are so ridiculous. There are some that have a countdown of 20 secs or so which is obviously enough time for most people to cross...also sometimes the darn light starts the countdown only a couple of seconds after it turns green! Sheesh. On the other hand, I see plenty people start crossing when the count is down to 2, and they take their sweet ass time to cross! >:(
That's all so silly to me! If the hand is flashing with over 20 seconds to go, I'm going to cross! And so funny you talk about the blinker, I was just wondering that this morning in my right turn only lane...really makes you think...
For real yah, Les!!
Jenny, going home yesterday while I was waiting in my left turn only lane, I noticed that most people weren't signaling.
Kat, I woulda liked instructions posted on the pole or something.
Ack! I have heard those rules but keep forgetting them. Sigh...
So dumb, excuse my French.
Have you noticed how many people are texting and driving today? I almost get killed every time I go grocery shopping! For God's sake already! I sware I'm going to put a sign in the back window of my Buick..... "STOP TEXTING ALREADY!".
I gotta remember, Kay. I would kick myself if I ever get another ticket.
I agree, Kay. I think I prefer DON'T WALK.
So danger yah, Mark.
So stupid why have the numbers?
I know Erick! It only confuses people.
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