Looks like there's a crust on top? Just mixing all those ingredients will form a crust? Or is it my imagination? Sorry, I'm not a baker, but would like to try making this one.
Yes Anon, a kinda crust is created while baking. If you'll go back and look at my chocolate mochi, you'll see that it also has a crust. I'll be posting that recipe soon.
What is the last ingredient in your recipe - 1 can an - what is an ? I like to try this recipe - but need to solve the puzzle of the last ingredient - what is an ? Thank you,
Hi Anon. This is what the can looks like: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hi-Mums-Tsubushian-Can/148417567. If you're in Hawaii then you can get it at the grocery store in the Asian section.
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Is 5 cups mochi = to one box mochi?
Renee, 5 cups is more than 1 box but less than 2 boxes. So you're gonna have left over.
what is an? this looks yum...I love mochi!
Thank you! I'll be definitely making this for my son's potluck.
Kat, Geri said she didn't have coconut milk so made it with regular milk, but still it was good.
Betty, an is that bean that they usually have in a pasty form inside of mochi.
Yay Renee!! You're gonna like it.
that's it? Only 6 ingredients? Looks yummy!
Oh...thanks, jalna.
Just my kind of recipe Les!
Welcome Betty.
Looks like there's a crust on top? Just mixing all those ingredients will form a crust? Or is it my imagination? Sorry, I'm not a baker, but would like to try making this one.
Yes Anon, a kinda crust is created while baking. If you'll go back and look at my chocolate mochi, you'll see that it also has a crust. I'll be posting that recipe soon.
Your chocolate mochi looks yummy. Can't wait till you post the recipe!!
Hey Renee, I'm working on it right now "as we speak". It's so great to be on vacation!
You're so lucky you're on vacation! You deserve a break from work!! Enjoy the rest of your vacation.
Thanks Renee!
What is the last ingredient in your recipe - 1 can an - what is an ? I like to try this recipe - but need to solve the puzzle of the last ingredient -
what is an ? Thank you,
Hi Mary. It's adzuki bean paste.
What is one can of water?
Sorry Anon. Never realized that it is kinda confusing. It's the can that the coconut milk came in. So the amount of water that fits in the can.
where can you find adzuki bean paste? and what size can is it?
Hi Anon. This is what the can looks like: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hi-Mums-Tsubushian-Can/148417567. If you're in Hawaii then you can get it at the grocery store in the Asian section.
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