Ever had an eggfruit before? CQ bought some at a small open market on Nuuanu Avenue. She said that she was told that you can also find it at the KCC Open Market.
It has a hard-boiled egg yolk-like texture and kinda tastes like a sweet potato . . . kinda . . . It's hard to describe.
Some people couldn't figure out if they liked it or not. . .
and some people thought it was just plain funky.
ahodori bento
Been wanting to try Ahodori Bento after seeing them on "7 rules", a
television show about females in various business genre and their "7 rules
in life", no...
10 hours ago
ooh different!
Just when you think you've tried it all yah, Kat!
wow, how long ago was this? It seems like forever! hhaahaa! I totally forgot about it!
Hahaha. It's from early last month Les.
My students and I used to make Ice Cream with it....kinda like...persimmon...
Woah! Hows dat guys funky face!?!? hahahahaha. It was pretty good...just weird texture.
LOL, love Marvin's expression!
Those expressions are priceless! Good office fun!
Ice cream Didi! Whoa!
Sorry Yosh, your expression was too funny to not post.
Funny yah, Erick!
I just love those guys, Dean.
I tried it once and I didn't like it.. it didn't taste like egg nor a fruit so donno why they called it eggfruit. I ate a piece and ended up tossing it away.
Yeah Shun Wah, it's kinda weird.
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