Several times a day this bird comes tap, tap, tapping on our window. I've read that it's a territorial thing and that he thinks his reflection is another bird. I think it's cute and look forward to his visits. Wendell thinks it's annoying and throws socks at it. Does anybody know what kind of bird it is?
this and that
I had heard that 7-eleven sold baked in-store cookies, but hadn't seen them
in the stores near us.I finally stumbled on one nearby...their cookies are
1 day ago
Some sort of waxbill or sparrow. You need an expert. Get plenty at my workplace.
Ahhhhh! Good enough. Thanks Nate!
I thought it might be a finch, my mom's house often gets them too.
Thanks Kat! I'm leaning towards "waxbill finch" right now.
intereting! nice looking bird...
oh he's cute! He must know that he's irritating Wendell so he taps some more. Maybe he's that telemarketer guy in a different form...
I think so too Betty!
Ahahaha funny Les. Landon made the guy hang up the other day. When he told Landon that he had won a car, Landon cheered really loud and made all kinds of commotion. Then he told the guy that he has lots of cars and what else did he have. And the guy hung up. HAHAHAHA!!
The bird is actually the common zebra finch/sparrow. In some of the pixs of the saffron finches I took they're there in the background too. Very common birds. I once raised them, had over 50 at one time. Though never had the orange front edge to the wings.
Thanks Nate! I would love to see some of those saffron finches. I love the color.
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