My sister Didi sent me this e-mail. I know . . . plenty words. I hate to read plenty words. If you like, go directly to the video link below first. I guarantee, you will come back to read the plenty words.
Only two blacks were newly elected to congress this cycle, and both are Republican. Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Allen West is from southern Florida, a bastion of the Democratic Party. He won in a walk. This new Congressman was an extremely popular commander in Iraq.
During an intense combat action a few of his men were captured. At the same time his men had captured one of the Iraqis who captured his men. Knowing that time was crucial and his interrogators were not getting anywhere with the prisoner Colonel West took matters into his own hands. He burst into the room and demanded through an interpreter that the prisoner tell him where his men were being taken. The prisoner refused. Colonel West took out his pistol and placed it into the prisoner's crotch and fired. Then the Colonel told the prisoner that the next shot would not miss. The prisoner said he would show where the American service members were being taken. The Americans were rescued. Someone filed a report on incorrect handling of prisoners. Colonel West was forced to retire.
Colonel West was just elected in November 2010 to Congress from Florida. During the elections he was part of a panel on how to handle or how to relate to Muslims. You will see his answer in the following video. Here is one of the new congressmen from Florida explaining very definitively in just over a minute the truth about Islam.
Update: Per my faithful reader Linda's request, unedited video of the exchange, which includes the Marine's question and shows the discomfort felt by every other member of this panel in responding to the question:
Update 2: Another reader sent me this link to a New Times blog post by Brandon Thorp dissecting Congressman West's speech and providing his point of view. Plenty, plenty words, but very enlightening.
Amaterasu Sushi – Honolulu, HI
Yes yes, another sushi restaurant! We had a few celebrations in the past
few months but this one was special. This was our first visit to Amaterasu
Sushi a...
1 hour ago
Awesome...he is so right!
Hi Betty, I've included an update per a reader's (and now friend) request.
Love your blog and photos, just thought I'd share different point of view
Hi Anon. Thank you so much for the link. I've included it in my post. It's very, very enlightening. Honestly, I am very much a pacifist and although I found Congressman West's speech quite stirring, it was to me also a bit terrifying.
This story going around email circles is actually false. There were never any captured American soldiers.
West interrogated an Iraqi policeman that he thought was planning an ambush against them, not because anyone had been captured. When they investigated the matter further they never found any evidence of a planned ambush.
There is a link to the military's official report on West's wikipedia page.
Not trying to be contrary, just wanted to make sure everyone knows the facts :)
Wow! Thanks Anon!
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