One other thing that me and Les like to do besides take pictures is rubber stamping. Photography kinda took over my life, though, and my greeting card supply is now sorely depleted. I bought this You Make Me Happy stamp set awhile back 'cause I thought it was so cute, but I never even used it. I decided to use it yesterday and do some stamping. Plus, I recently cleared up my dresser top so I now have a spacious work area to use in the best lit room in the house, the bedroom.
This is my finished card. I totally stole the idea from Kiemel4 at Splitcoast Stampers.
I like to make a bunch so that busting out all the supplies is worth it.
I bought this carpet tape at the swap meet years and years ago for about a buck. Good deal yeah!
I cut it into little pieces . . .
and use it like so, to help give some dimension to the flower.
This is the start of the tag.
Tag puncher
I put a green and yellow trim on the tag. I eyeballed and cut it out with a scissors.
The good thing about making handmade stuff is it doesn't have to be perfect . . . it's handmade . . . so eyeballing is okay.
Puka puncher
Pretty neat, hah!!
This will be the trim on the left side.
Attach a ribbon to the trim.
Attach your tag to the ribbon with another ribbon.
Glue to card.
And Voila!!!
Don't you just feel like making yourself a bunch of cards now??!!!
this and that
I had heard that 7-eleven sold baked in-store cookies, but hadn't seen them
in the stores near us.I finally stumbled on one nearby...their cookies are
18 minutes ago