I love to snack. It's one of my hobbies. I do it well. Here are a few recent snacks that we enjoyed around the office.
Here's Les with some spam-flavored macadamia nuts.
My sister Didi picked up the can from Don Quijote. The spam flavor is kinda superficial and doesn't permeate through the nut, but is still veeeery interesting. Tysha with Nutty Mango sorbet.
I think Kris picked it up from Vim and Vigor. It was very, very flavorful . . . maybe the best sorbet I've ever eaten.
Here's Julie with some frozen Durian . . . talk about flavorful.
Ummmmm, I don't know how to describe the smell . . . not quite offensive, but very strong . . . like onion gas . . . clinging to the walls . . . for days. I honestly never tried it for fear my taste buds would be ruined for life.
This Klenteng is from Indonesia.
Runa said she thinks it can be found in Chinatown.
It tastes like a chick-o-stick . . . kinda peanut buttery.
Here's one of Runa's favorite. It's like a healthy chocolate spread.
Unless you spill it onto your chair, and then it's a chair spread.
This red bean popsicle has a sweet red bean flavor . . . very refreshing. Plating thanks to CQ.
This Honey Sweet Potato is from Palama Market.
It was good. CQ found this at Safeway. It was really ono. . . probably would go good crushed on top of a salad. Here's Jos with some Popchips. I found these at Costco. It was really light and flavorful . . . and something like only 100 calories per 20 chips. This is not a new discovery, but it's my favorite chip. I finished this party-size bag all by myself in just a few days . . . danger, danger.
Ok, who the heck bought the frozen durian?? That sounds absolutely disgusting!! The one day I'm glad I wasn't scheduled at king...I can just imagine the smell...hahahhahaaa!
One thing can be said about your office mates, you all do love to eat!! And eat some yummy looking snacks. I think the sweet potato snack would be fantastic!! At Trader Joes yesterday we got several bags of their packaged dried fruits. Gerry snacks on nuts and dried fruits, especially chili flavored dry mango. I'm more a cookie person.
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Wow, everything looks so ono! Now I know who to ask for snack advice!
My favorite topic!
eh! i nominate u fo the next summa olympics in snacking! i KNOW u can get da gold!!!!
my favorite topic too :)
Ok, who the heck bought the frozen durian?? That sounds absolutely disgusting!! The one day I'm glad I wasn't scheduled at king...I can just imagine the smell...hahahhahaaa!
One thing can be said about your office mates, you all do love to eat!! And eat some yummy looking snacks. I think the sweet potato snack would be fantastic!! At Trader Joes yesterday we got several bags of their packaged dried fruits. Gerry snacks on nuts and dried fruits, especially chili flavored dry mango. I'm more a cookie person.
Rand, yup . . . gold metal for snacking.
Kat, I love looking at YOUR goodies.
Les, Julie got it. They said it's not bad. In fact Diem paid $38 for a fresh one recently.
Oh man Betty, if we had a Trader Joes here . . . danger, danger.
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