Yesterday, Leslie called me at lunchtime and said that she was at
Island Manapua in Manoa and if I wanted anything. I told her to get me that triangle-shaped thing that's wrapped in leaves. CQ insisted that I photograph it on a black surface. She was right; it came out nice.

I never knew the name of it, but a couple of people at work called it "jang". Online I found that it's spelled "

Apparently it can come with different fillings. This one had pork and a boiled egg in it. I love this stuff.
you gotta thank Marv...he wouldn't let me pay for a darn thing.
Thanks Yosh!
Umm...actually, I think it was duck and egg. Right Les?
I've never seen or had this before. Sure looks good though and taking a picture of it on black is awesome!!
in japanese we call them "chimaki"
p.s. your spelling of manapua in your title is incorrect...
Yosh, was there duck in there? Hmmm . . . there was a square chunk of meat that couldn't have been duck, but there was a fatty piece that might've been. It was really good. I'm just gonna have to buy some more to try again.
Betty the rice is glutinous like mochi, which you know is one of my favorite things.
Kat, thanks for the heads up on the spelling error. It's always embarrassing when I spell stuff wrong 'cause my job is to make sure words are spelled correctly.
As a matter of fact, I think the sign did say duck! Maybe they ran out of duck meat and thought you wouldn't notice :)
I love that stuff too, never knew what it was called. Great photos.
My grandmother used to make these and the Cantonese calls them "Jung" (or "joong"). I used to love to watch her make them...and then eat them after it's been steamed for what seemed like hours..
The white balance of your indoor pics always come out very accurate 'cuz my indoor shots always seem to be more you have to make adjustments in Photoshop?
Thanks Erick!
Shun Wah, how lucky you are that you had a grandma that made them! Wow!
I seem to have less white balance problems with my new camera. The white balance in these photos came out perfect without any need to adjust in photoshop. I still do get yellowish pictures in darkly-lit rooms though.
It's the weekend Jalna, I'm sure your allowed to make errors :)
SW is right - we call it harm joong.
Hahaha, thanks Kat.
Nate,ahhhhh,harm joong.
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