Erick took second place in a photo contest put on by the Hawaii Photographic Society with this high-dynamic range photograph that he calls "Plantation Camp Kitchen". Pretty awesome, yeah.
What i wanna know is...who's kitchen IS THAT?! Thats awesome, very rustic looking! Looks like one of those old counrty homes. I'd definatley live there but I'd add some more things to it tho...a cast iron stove, an old washboard..maybe even a gramophone...y'know, to give it a more homey feeling. I'm from generation X, man...I need the
Hahahaha, CQ soo funny. Erick told me before, but I forget where this place is. Some kind of plantation home village that you can go visit. I'm sure your grandma has some of those old stuff stored away someplace.
I remember those stoves. When we lived at Filipino Camp in Aieaback in the 1960's, my "mama" (grandmother) used to cook on those kerosene stoves. In fact your friend Geralyn Camarillo used to live right across the street from me. Ahhh memories of an older time.......
Hey, Jalna! I'm surprised you don't know about the Plantation Village in Waipahu. We toured it on one of our trips back home. So interesting!! You gotta go out there.
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way to go! so beautiful!
I agree . . . so beautiful.
Congrats to Erick. Thanks, Jalna for sharing it..
the old aluminum bento box brings back some memories.
Awesome!! He posted this on his FB.
Wow Ron, I didn't even notice it.
Betty, Erick has Facebook?
What i wanna know is...who's kitchen IS THAT?! Thats awesome, very rustic looking! Looks like one of those old counrty homes. I'd definatley live there but I'd add some more things to it tho...a cast iron stove, an old washboard..maybe even a gramophone...y'know, to give it a more homey feeling. I'm from generation X, man...I need the
Hahahaha, CQ soo funny. Erick told me before, but I forget where this place is. Some kind of plantation home village that you can go visit. I'm sure your grandma has some of those old stuff stored away someplace.
I remember those stoves. When we lived at Filipino Camp in Aieaback in the 1960's, my "mama" (grandmother) used to cook on those kerosene stoves. In fact your friend Geralyn Camarillo used to live right across the street from me. Ahhh memories of an older time.......
I think this might be the "Plantation Villiage " in Waipahu
very nice HDR work! definitely a winner!!!
tippy, I feel so inspired that we are gonna go check out the village this weekend.
i-Observer, I wish I could get into that HDR stuff too, but I'm too lazy to lug around a tripod.
Awesome photo! I would have voted that 1st place!!! George.
Hey, Jalna! I'm surprised you don't know about the Plantation Village in Waipahu. We toured it on one of our trips back home. So interesting!! You gotta go out there.
George, I woulda voted it for first too!
Betty, Erick's taking me there tomorrow!! Hooo hooo!
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