I'm fat. So one day this past week I made myself a salad with ham and strawberries for lunch. I even went for a walk before eating it. That's when I passed by Mekong Restaurant on King Street which makes in my humble opinion, hands down, the best eggplant tofu dish. I repeat . . . HANDS DOWN, DA BEST EGGPLANT TOFU DISH. You can order it mild, medium or spicy. Served on sticky rice, it just might be my overall favorite food. It went well with my salad.
Here are a few photos that are on display at the Hawaii Plantation Village. I didn't even see these the first time I was there. I'm so glad that these moments in history are preserved for us to see.
Okay, don't scold me 'cause I already got it from Wendell and my mom. I ordered this 9-piece "bucket" of chicken from Zippy's. With tax it was almost 18 bucks. I don't know if it was because I had a $10 gift card and I was thinking that I was only gonna be spending $8 out of my own pocket or just plain stoopidness, but it didn't really occur to me that it was waaaaay too much to be spending on chicken.
It was only when the girl handed me this bowl of tiny chicken pieces and not the "bucket" that I was expecting did I realize what a blunder I had made. But don't you think it's false advertising when they call it a bucket and you get a bowl instead? So kinda not my fault? Hah?
It was really ono, by the way. But like Wendell said, you can get about the same amount of chicken for half the price at Foodland. So, once again . . . my bad.
Imagine 45 multi-ethnic adolescents coming from a district lying in the shadow of five federal housing projects and having a disproportionate amount of poverty, crime, and new immigrants with language challenges. Now imagine these adolescents rehearsing after school in the Farrington High School auditorium, home to the largest inner-city student body in Hawaii. This is the T-shirt Theatre of Kalihi founded by the Alliance for Drama Education, and they have been practicing diligently on their new play, Langston who?, a celebration of Langston Hughes' work, life, times, poetry, song and rap.
There will be two free public performances this Friday, October 30th at 7:30 and Sunday, November 1st at 4:30 at Farrington High School Auditorium, 1564 North King Street. Go check them out, support them, and be blown away by these kids from Kalihi .
this and that
Tokyo People: thought this woman's coat was interesting looking Kabukicho
peopleKabukicho people: this guy's shoes looked super heavy and hard to
walk inni...
Dogs Who Can't Read!
When we visited our friend, Terry and her husband we noticed that they had
put up a cute dog poop prevention sign on their front lawn.
She told me that...
Alii Fish Market – Moilili, HI
I’ve seen various social media posts about Alii Fish Market and even tried
a bit of their poke at a party once but never got to experience it myself.
Who Are You Calling “Elderly”?
Sheesh. There has been so much news about an elderly woman this or an
elderly man that – all about tragedies or bad news like found in a dumpster
or kille...
Descanso Gardens, 4/2/24
Three out of four college roommates were able to get together. Our other
roommate, Mary, is from Mountain View and it would have been an eight hour
Surf Report 09-06-2023
Waves: 1 - 3 Feet Wind: Trades Light Trade winds are back but the waves are
still rolling in! It's not Uranus Gotta stop and smell the sunrise! Cotton
Delhi - Day 9
October 2, 2019
We had another full day in Delhi before we leave for Varanasi tomorrow.
Subie met us once again to take us on a mini tour around Delhi. ...