My computer's been giving me problems for months. So I got a new computer about 2 weeks ago from Costco. They had a $150 off coupon. I've been procrastinating 'cause I always have problems when I try to set up stuff. See my post Trying to Load Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Wendell said, "When you gonna set up the computer? The warranty's gonna run out." So if you don't hear from me for awhile, you know why.
never forget
Thinking of the people of Tohoku and the surrounding areas especially
today.Sending virtual hugsps thankful the wildfires in Iwate are finally out
7 hours ago
hahahaha!! Challenges!! You can do this, Jalna!! sure and touch base with your computer's technical support! They can be really helpful in sorting out problems. Also, Adobe should have some online support to help with installs - bkpr, seattle
Hey Betty and Vince!!! So far so good . . . I'm up. Now I gotta try load CS3 . . .
go!go!! You're almost there! I can see the light! I'm so proud of you!
Soooo funny Les . . . I got my own cheerleader!!! After all this time you can finally stop being irritated.
Gambatte ne! You know you can always call me for help!...the self-proclaimed computer geek! :)
Thanks Yosh!! You know you are always my go-to guy.
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