I loved having the "PRESS" tag dangling from around my neck and wandering around beautiful people who like to be photographed. It was a total blast for me. Check out Leslie's pics for an explanation of the event and her photographs.
Found these pink kabu (turnips) at the marketLove that they still have the
tops on them.We've been eating them in soups.
15 hours ago
Nice pics Jalna! You can do without the last one though...I didn't have enough time to strike my pose! Can't wait to see the rest!
oh yah, I don't think I even saw half of those people there! hahaha!
Thanks Les . . . tomorrow I'll post the food pictures, except I didn't catch them all. I didn't like how the hot foods looked under the heating lamps, and I was hesitant to move them. I should've.
Very nice skin tones, almost makes me want to get a 5D MkII. I am dying waiting for the next Nikon full frame. Great people shots! Like a People magazine spread. Fantastic shooting!
Great shots, I especially liked the last one! :))
Thanks Erick and Betty! Erick, the 5D Mark II is awesome. As soon as the Nikon version comes out, jump on it! Betty, that's my favorite too.
OK.........I saw a pic of Makana's base player on Les' site....
Wow...I actually know a few people in your pics!! Hawaii is too small! Hahah!
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