Saturday, March 12, 2022


My cousin V dropped these off the other day, a day after my Snacktime post!  She is so thoughtful and generous.   💗


V's recipe is 1 tablespoon of the oil and 3 tablespoons of the popcorn.  Melt the oil in a saucepan and throw in 3 kernels.  When they start to pop and you recover from the startle, throw in 3 tablespoons of the kernels. 

I put the heat on "low" to avoid burnage and it took around 4 minutes before the 3 test kernels popped.  Cover and do the "jiffy pop" shake until the popping sound stops.

I added garlic oil (from Ross), kakimochi and furikake.  Came out so ono.  Thank you, V!!!  I love you lots.


Anonymous said...

Omigosh, got the munchies for Hurricane popcorn! LOL


Dd said...

ho....dat oil looks great ...... how come no moa jiffy pop popcorn pans anymore ;-{

jalna said...

Izsmom, Landon made a batch and added in Fritos and pork rinds (the snout one). Ho, was so good!!!

Dd, I think of you whenever I eat popcorn. The oil is perfect for popping corn with!

Anonymous said...

I heard of the cheetos and porkrind mix. Sounds so ono but also sounds like defeats the whole purpose of eating popcorn too :)
Oink oink

Anonymous said...

j, I was wondering about the Amish popcorn when I was shopping on Amazon. I was sent gourmet Wisconsin popcorn and wow, broke da mouth. It was so much better than regular popcorn, but only available in $25 size which is too much. You are so lucky!! -N

Susan said...

Popcorn-perfect snack

Honolulu Aunty said...

Yum yum yum! And kinda healthy, right?

jalna said...

V, I know! But was so good!

N, I'm so grateful.

Susan, 💗

Aunty, kinda right?

K and S said...


jalna said...

Kat, I actually owe thanks to you too for giving the idea to V!