Thanks to friend Cleta I'm back to enjoying frozen edamame again. I had stopped buying them years ago when halfway through eating a microwaved batch I came across a cockroach and many cockroach parts.
I had bought the bag(s) from Marukai and it was a Japanese brand so I assumed it was a product of Japan. Nope. China.
I was never able to find any brand that didn't come from China.
Recently, Cleta recommended Whole Foods. I went there and sure enough, in the freezer section "Product of USA". WOW.

The bag on the top was $3.49 and the shelled ones were $2.49 each.
thanks for the info! I totally couldn't find frozen edamame that wasnt' from China. I'll stock up for my edamame salad.
For just munching, I buy the local fresh edamame from Don Quijote, Times or Marukai. They're usually $3.99/lb., One of those stores usually have it and I buy almost weekly.
Sad that almost everything canned or frozen now are from China.
Yay! Thanks for the tip. Ito have been trying not to buy products from China, especially food products, as I worry about food safety (from Mexico too, as there were a number of recalls in the past). But everywhere I shop, the frozen edamame and most frozen Japanese vegetables are from China. Was getting discouraged. But will check out Whole Foods. Mahalo!
Cockaroach parts? Yuck!!!
I used to be in charge of our soybean garden patch when I was a little girl. My mother raised orchids and she needed to keep me out and busy. I wonder - are those frozen soybeans from Whole Foods cooked or raw? If still raw, they might grow...
I would think the shelled ones would be more expensive…eeeew cockroach parts
I'm pake, but I avoid products made in China. USA products quality assurance is safer, though not perfect. The mainland makes put profits ahead of safety. Glad you found edamame at Whole Paycheck.
V, I made your salad! It'll be on tomorrow's post.
Izsmom, welcome!
Aunty, so gross yah. It says "blanched" on the package.
Kat, I thought so too.
Chet, LOL. Thanks.
I'm looking forward to it!
NO KIDDING? Edamame from the U.S.? That's amazing! We stopped buying them a long time ago because they seemed to all come from China. Thank you so much for this info.
V, it came out good!
Kay, welcome!
Hard to find masks too not made in China. Who knows what we're breathing and eating these days!
Susan, yikes yah.
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