I've been Marie Kondo-ing lately, and I came across this hanger in one of our closets.

The hanger came from a time when we were not even a State yet. And look at the phone number . . . 4 digits long!
I found this online. It was from the UK eBay site.

truly one man's treasure is another man's junk.
Jalna, are you from Hilo? Your post made me look for the 3 old wooden hangers I brought from home. Kapiolani Cleaning Shop, American Sanitary Laundry, LTD which gave 1/2 c if returned in good condition and Young Laundry & Dry Cleaning all from Honolulu T.H. So nostalgic yeah?
Bonny ogg
Wow! I know my parents had a lot of those in their closet. I think we ended up throwing it away, after they passed. 😢
That is great stuff!
V, for real yah!
Bonny, no, not from Hilo, but I think Wendell's mom was originally from there. Ho, you got some really nostalgic hangers!
Izsmom, I was gonna toss all the wooden hangers until I got all nostalgic and changed my mind.
Art says we have old hangers too. He’s from Honokaa. Hmmm… I think I’ll go look in the closet.
Aunty, isn't it?!
Kat, I know.
Kay, good luck!
$43! Wow! Our neighbor’s mom passed a few years ago and he was getting rid of kitchen stuff. He was going to dump them. I looked through the dishes and she had several vintage platters made in the US, Japan, & Italy. Of course I took them and found out some of them were $20+ a platter on eBay. I think he threw some stuff that I did not get to look through.
Eureka........if I had known what the value was now, I would have kept all the hangers.....sad!!
Susan, awww too bad you didn't get to look through the stuff that got tossed.
Chet, I know!!
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