It's my fault, I know . . . because I always lie and I always sneak back ahead of schedule. And so for you who still check, this is a photo I took a few days ago.
I was in the bedroom when I noticed that the whole backyard had a slightly reddish glow. So, I ran to the front of the house (which faces west) and looked out of the window. Sure enough, the sky was ablaze.
I ran back to the bedroom to grab my camera.
You gotta run because with sunsets, seconds count. The sky changes so fast.
Here's my favorite shot . . . with the colors reflecting off Wendell's truck bed cover.

K . . . a hui hou . . .
That's such a beautiful pic! Happy holidays Jalna, I hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday season! - L
You too, L!! Thank you. Mwah!
Thanks for the pic. Funny to hear somebody in Hawaii use West instead of mauka or makai.
Just gorgeous! I will be visiting my parents in Hawaii in February and pictures like this one make me super excited. Loved your posts on Japan, by the way, especially the pics of all the food!
Nice shot! I wonder where I was, to miss such a wonderful sky. Oh well, good that you caught it and shared! (and yes, I have da-kine addiction, lol).
Hi Jalna! Merry Christmas! Thank you for the beautiful surprise! ~matsu
You should title it...wendell da kine truck..when da sun go down.. ;)
Awesome sky, love Wendell's truck too.
They say timing is everything. I guess in this case, it was. Beautiful picture.
Haha, I check daily, glad I did, so pretty. Can I use this as a screen saver? Send to work email please.
AWESOME!!! You so lucky you get a good house is total crap for this kind of stuff
Holy Moly!!! So beautiful!!!
Totally gorgeous! I'm seeing some lovely skies over here too.
LOL, Kobi, I was gonna say "makai" but wasn't sure if sunsets are always makai. Hahaha!
Oh JL, have a nice visit!
Aunty, I wish we could predict beautiful sunsets. Then I could go somewhere with a better vantage point.
Matsu! You get da-kine addiction too!
So funny, Anon!
Hey Erick. Love your videos!
OMG, Chet. It totally is.
Sure Mich. I'll send you the original shot. This picture is square and probably wouldn't work.
Hahahaha. Les, I originally read this comment on my tiny phone so I couldn't see who wrote it at first. But when I saw "total crap" I knew that it was you!
Awwww, thanks Celia.
Thanks Kay!
so pretty! happy holidays!
Thank you Kat! I got your card! Wendell had put it on the living room table, and when I came home from work, as I was walking past it I saw Satoshi's face. I thought, hey that guy looks familiar.
Merry Christmas to everyone here at Auntie Jalna's blog! I love you all!
Merry Christmas to you too, Mark!
j: I still come by to read the other bloggers if they have updates and got a bonus today w/ your post. Our sunsets are spectacular, sometimes when I walk the dogs the timing is just right when the sun is going down the Waianae mountains and everything gets that red glow. Soooo glorious. Lucky we live Hawaii. Merry Christmas to you and yours esp. Mr. Kona, and look forward to your posts in 2017. God Bless! -N
Thank you, N!!
Beautiful, relaxing scene after the hectic holidays! Inspires me to breathe and relax ! Happy New Year Jalna and family !
still checking several times a least this is a nice picture to keep seeing over and over and over hahaha
hey, I bumped into your mother this morning when I was dropping the dog off at my mom's. She looks good! My mom says you look just like her!
and thanks for the family pictures on Monday. Everyone looks so beautiful with your magic eye!
Especially love the one of your cousins posing sassy!
Thank you Susan!!
Hey V! My mom mentioned she saw you guys. It was fun meeting that side of the family. BTW, that senbei was so awesome.
Wow.. that's awesome! Great reflex to grab your camera! Have a Happy New Year!
Thanks Shun Wah!
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