Before arriving at our next destination which was to be Matsushima Bay, we made a stop at a rest area to have lunch. Here's what me and Sweetie chose.
After lunch the bus dropped us off at Shiogama Pier where we boarded a ferry for a scenic cruise through the waters of Matsushima Bay.
Shiogama Pier is on the lower left corner of the map. The red route is the one that our ferry took. We traveled northward and ended up in Matsushima.
We sat on the lower level. Good thing because upstairs was a noisy bunch of drunk guys.
The pine-studded islets floating in the Matsushima Bay is noted as one of the three most beautiful sights of Japan, known as the Nihon Sankei. It holds this distinction along with the sandbar of Amanohashidate and the torii of Itsukushima Shrine on Miyajima Island.
About halfway through the ride my photos started looking like this, so I quit taking um. Maybe I shoulda joined the drunk guys upstairs for a better view.
We arrived in Matsushima after about 50 minutes.
Our room in the Matsushima Century Hotel was fabulous.
And so was the view.
We had some time to spare before dinner so our guide Reiko recommended that we visit either Godaido Hall, a beautifully decorated temple located on an islet adjacent to the pier near our hotel, or Zuiganji, one of Tohoku's most famous and prominent Zen temples (both circled in blue by Reiko). Me and Sweetie chose to shop at Matsushima Fish Market instead (circled in red by me).
We made it just in time . . . they were closing in 10 minutes. No chance to take pictures in the store, but we did find a bunch of stuff to buy.
This was one of the excursions that I was most looking forward to on this tour. Although it turned out to be not as colorful as I was expecting, it was still a memorable experience cruising through the beautiful, narrow gorge.
this and that
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