Monday, September 20, 2010


Beautiful Stoja - it was a joy shooting you. Thanks for giving me the chance!









Check out what I did to prevent my umbrella/flash from tipping over.



K and S said...

nice resourcefulness and photos!

jalna said...

Hahaha, thanks Kat!

Anonymous said...

love the photos! you are absolutely amazing. thank you so much.

Les said...

WWAAAAHHHH!!! I LOOOOOVE LOOOOOVE LOOOOVE IT!!! ;( :( :( Jellos with a capital J!!! I want a raincheck!!

jalna said...

Stoja, you just made it so easy.

Les, I kept thinking of you the whole time shooting.

Randism said...

wow! i love your shots but that first one in particular is great! i got more to say but i gatta go take a COLD SHAWA!!! ha! ha!

:) josefina :) said...

great shots! she is a natural beauty! wow!

Erick said...

Amazing shots! Your umbrella with all the bags worked out so great. Good place to hang my bag too. That last shot of Stoja is absolutely incredible. It is sort of 3D, very cool. Me too, big time Jellos!

jalna said...

Rand, I love that first shot too. The sun was directly behind Stoja, casting that reddish glow.

Thanks Jos! She IS beautiful!

Don't be jellos, Erick. I didn't know what I was doing. I lucked out.

celia said...

OMG, so so nice. I like all your shots. I too am jellos. Your last shot is so cool with the sun's reflection in the clouds and on Stoja's hair.

jalna said...

Thanks Celia!

Betty Townsend said...

Beautiful! I love the one with the sunset in the background.

jalna said...

Thanks Betty! That's Landon's favorite too.