I am almost at my limit (1024 MB) for free storage of my photos for this "Photos by jalna" blog. So, this blog might be coming to an end soon. I already have a "photos by jalna 2" kinda set up and ready to use. I think that's probably what I'm gonna do. Not sure yet . . . gonna have to start all over. I don't have no followers there. Go sign up . . . you can be the first!!
Anway, trying out other options, I just checked out WordPress. Take a look at my Nihon Noodles post there. I kinda hate WordPress. It's not as user friendly as Blogger. I had to do my whole Nihon Noodles post twice cause it froze on me when I tried to publish it the first time. It could be because I never read any directions on how to use it. I just winged it, and as usual didn't know whatdahell I was doing, so whatever I clicked on made me lose the whole post.
never forget
Thinking of the people of Tohoku and the surrounding areas especially
today.Sending virtual hugsps thankful the wildfires in Iwate are finally out
6 hours ago
I going sign up to follow you on blogger :)
My friend uses wordpress...I don't think she likes it very much either. :|
Hahahaha, thanks Kat. I think you're the first!
Yeah, Les, I'm just so used to using Blogger, WordPress is so foreign to me.
Just checked both your blogs.. nice banner on the Wordpress blog! I also followed your new Jalna 2 blog..too bad you can't transfer your stuff..
Thanks for following Shun Wah. I might be able to prolong my life here a little longer by linking to Flickr instead of uploading to Picasa via Blogger. I'm checking it out now. We'll see.
I "followed" the new blog. I like the banner on the Wordpress one and left a comment. Yeah, I think blogger is so much easier. I didn't see where I could follow the Wordpress one. Those noodles looked yummy though.
Betty, I'm sticking to Blogger. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to do stuff in Wordpress.
Didi, I suspect that you might not know that if you click on the pink words in all my posts, they'll link you up with whatever I'm talking about.
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