My good friend Kevin sent me a link to this site called Kok Robin. Like a lot of other food blogs, it has some really ono-looking recipes, but the most incredible thing to me is that the author is able to produce these awesome food shots like this with a $200 Fuji Finepix S5700 camera, set on automatic/macro and no flash . . .
never forget
Thinking of the people of Tohoku and the surrounding areas especially
today.Sending virtual hugsps thankful the wildfires in Iwate are finally out
6 hours ago
Oh, you're making me blush! Thank you for your compliments.
awesome blog and photos, I gotta make another "light box", as I accidentally sat on the teeny one I made :(
Nice... I gotta make me one of those! Hehe.
Interesting recipes.
Robin!! Your photos are beautiful!
Kat, that's kinda funny! Hee hee.
Rick, you also take some unreal pictures with just your camera phone!!
Betty, some are pretty my-style simple too.
Cool setup, so simple.
Made the bolognese last night...awesome. Gonna try the Dan Dan noodles tonight !! And bought makings for the lamb meatballs....Thank U
Isn't her photos awesome Erick!
Wow Didi, you really went look good through her recipes yeah! Glad you're enjoying them.
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