Nothing stays the same . . . life is like that . . . and you go with the flow. I've had it pretty easy here, doing pretty much what I like to do . . . typing. That's what I do, type reports . . . for 27 years now. I like typing reports. I could to it forever, even though my fingers have become stiff and a bit sore. I'm a "lead" now, though. I hate that with a passion. I hate "leading". I hate being responsible. And oh, how I hate the monthly meetings. I pretty much can't escape from that role though . . . I've tried . . . but I'm the senior here; I just gotta do it. So, I just go with the flow . . . and dream of retiring. It'll be soon. 27 years happened so quickly, another 4 is just around the corner.
Eh! As long as I'm forced to be lead...you gotta be lead! And you cannot retire! I nevah give you permission!!! :)
so are you taking the chair with you when you retire? Or even when (or if) you get to start working from home? :)
Are they going to let you keep the chair?
Yosh, I REALLY DETEST it. People probably don't realize how much. Imagine being forced to do something you hate . . . and having to do it everyday. That's why I put a third of my pay into my 401K, even while it's losing money. It seems to be my only salvation.
Les and Erick, you guys can have it if you like . . . one of a kind.
Ron, somehow I know that you understand.
my memoir is a hammer.
I can't image 27 years doing the same job, sitting in the same chair. You'd think they'd buy you a new chair after that many years. The next 4 years should just zoom by.
Ron, that's what I find so intriguing about you . . . the eloquent carpenter.
Betty, we've evolved so much at my working place that my "same job", although basically the same is yet very different. Also, I've tried different chairs, and after so many years I can probably have any chair that I want, but I always go back to this one. Looking forward to the "zooming"!!
Comfy looking chair!
i-Observer, like no other!
You should do an update on this blog, LOL!
Hahahahaha, Mich!!
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