All you really need to make this party favor is double-sided scotch tape and your favorite 4 x6 inch photo. I'm using a photo of a mural done by 808 Urban.

Put scotch tape near the top, bottom and side edges like this.

Stick the side edges together to form a roll.

With the side seam centered in the middle, pinch the top edge together.

The top is now sealed.

Put some candy inside. I didn't have any candy, so I put some coins instead.

Now pinch the bottom edges together in the opposite direction from the top so that the side seam is on one end instead of centered in the middle.

This is more or less it, unless you have . . .

one of these corrugated crimping doomahitchi things.

Then you can crimp both top and bottom edges just a little.

So that it looks like this.

Pretty neat, hah!
I think your pictures and explanations are so helpful. I can't wait to make this party favor.
Wow your banner is soooo beautiful.
very creative!
COOOLLL..........I just read somehwere that a restaurant that just opened on the North Shore celebrated their grand opening, part of the festivities was 808Urban doing a wall there??
Celia, thanks! I'm still working on the banner. Dunno how to get it to go all the way across.
Kat, I learned how to do it at a rubber stamp store in Kaimuki.
Didi, maybe it was the Aunti Dakine Mexi Grindz truck that Shaolin, Pheyr and Pest 3 did.
COOL!!! Wonderful idea, you are soooo creative!!!
Hey Susie, me and Les just so happened to walk into a stamping store in Kaimuki and they taught us how to make it!
Great instructional pictures! Very cool idea too.
you don't use your $5 template anymore? I got to...otherwise I make um crooked! :|
Hey, Jalna. Did this at my LSS (local stamp store) last Christmas. We did it with patterned cardstock and put M&M's inside. They are called "sour cream holders". They are easy to do and make a great party favors. Making them with photos is a great idea. Oh, that thingy you used is called a crimper. Oh, maybe you said that in your post. That is one tool I don't have "yet". I'm going to be busy stamping, got several projects coming up.
Les, I usually use the template thing, but for this post I just eyeballed it, and it worked out!
Betty, I called it a "corrugated crimping dumahitchi". "Crimper" is way easier. Hahaha.
Great use of photos..and you picked a great one to use since it's so colorful. Nice closeup instructional shots too..
Thanks Shun Wah!
That is such a great idea and I love the picture you's so bright and vibrant! :)
Thanks for dropping by Ruth! It was so nice seeing you again. And thanks for the goodies!!
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