A few months ago superdad Joel introduced me to the world of sock monsters and I've been hooked ever since. I wrote about it briefly here. Now, I shall attempt to teach you how to turn a baby sock into a sock monster.

Then stitch one foot. Leave the other one open so that you can stuff through it.
Turn the sock right side out and stuff through the open leg.

After stuffing, stitch the foot closed. 

Then position the needle like so, so that your needle ends up under the middle of the bottom lip.

Place a stitch at the center bottom of the lip.

Then stitch through the lips to the top.

Then back down.

Now it's time to sew on the eyes. 
Now we need to work on the arms. Turn the arms inside out to stitch.
Then turn it right side out and stuff just a little.
I then kinda tuck the raw edges inward 'cause it makes it easier to sew on.
Stitch the arms on and . . .

Here's what's left of my sock monster family. I always try to keep some on hand to give away as birthday gifts to my co-workers. You can find buttons, stuffing and socks at WalMart. A lot of these socks were just $1 per pair (cheap, yeah).

these are sooooo cute!!!
Thanks!!! I haven't made any sock monsters in a while . . . think I might try to start again.
Been looking to find the best way to sew on arms, just found it! Thanks!!!
Could i sew these on a sewing macine?
Hi Sara. I think you could sew parts of it on a sewing machine, but most would need to be done by hand.
i will pay u o make one for me they are so cute!
Awww thanks, Anon. But sorry, I haven't made a sock monster in ages.
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