Yesterday I saw another Shiseido product at Ross. It normally sells for $42 and was only $17.99.
It says it reduces dark circles, fine lines, puffiness and dullness. I held it in my hands for quite awhile, but eventually put it back, mostly because I already have quite of bit of similar creams in my supply.
I keep thinking about it though, 'cause you know me and good deals. It's so hard for me to resist.

I think you might go back and get it, I’m like that most times:)
I’m like that too and I have plenty products partially use and unused sitting in the drawer. LOL
digital damage ?? protection environment ?
Kat, hahaha, you know me well.
Izsmom, exactly!!
Dd, I know! Like what?
I remember when all of the local women wanted all things Shiseido! It was da bomb at Daiei!
I still haven’t found anything that really works.
sheesh i've been buying a lot of skincare lately, trying to hide that bloody spot of mines, which lead me to buying moisturizers, toners, primers, acck!
j: didn't think you were into the creams and stuff. I took a really good look in my mirror recently and realized I looked like my grandma. I have an actual neck waddle! The only thing we can do our age is cosmetic surgery, seriously. Ain't no cream made that can remove my waddle :( -N
Just returned from California vacation. Saw a MiniSo store like a Daiso in Orange County, but a smaller version in area space with cosmetics.
Mark, I think it's still popular with women my age. Not sure what the younger wahine use nowadays.
Kay, I've always liked Shiseido.
Les, join the club. LOL.
N, I know the waddle well.
Chet, welcome back!!
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