Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Wendell Shopping in Japan

Here are a few photos of Wendell shopping in Japan. 

Luckily, when he went to get a massage a few times I was able to do my own thing and check out cosmetics and art supplies.

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Anonymous said...

Ahahaha. So NOT fun to travel with the spouse! Japan travel should be a girls trip. Right???
Did he buy any new gloves or bats, ets.?

Chet Colson said...

Osaka is one of our fave cities. On our last trip, my brother in law bought golf items,so cheap and high quality.
Hope I can find pickleball items shopping.
Wendell must have been in heaven.

Honolulu Aunty said...

I had to laugh. I would NOT want to shop where he shops - food and sporting goods. I would be at Daiso all day long.

K and S said...


Susan said...

I enjoyed shopping in Japan, but mostly for snacks!😊

Anonymous said...

Oooh, we were thinking of going to Mizuno to look for volleyball stuff but it looks like those stores are alternatives.

This is unrelated to your post, but you prep before you trips so...do you know if there are restrictions on packaged food items* that can be brought back to Hawaii? (*Other than TSA liquid restrictions for carrying on liquid/gel stuff.) I tried Googling but must be searching the wrong terms. One person said a friend's ramen got taken and someone else said the sauce packet for their ramen was chicken flavored and that got taken. (Weird right? Just the sauce packet?) I don't want to buy stuff that will be confiscated!

jalna said...

V, LOL, it is different. I think he only bought golf balls from the sporting goods stores.

Chet, he mostly was in heaven when he found out that massages were so cheap there. I really liked the location of our hotel. It was a few minutes away from all the good spots.

Aunty, 😁

Susan, my fave too!

Anon, you're not supposed to bring back any chicken or meat products . . . even the flavor packs in ramen.

Leslie's pics said...

♥️♥️ I’m waiting for him to tell you he wants to go back….WITH YOU!!!