Getting the Perfect Shower Bench
As I saw mom heading into her 90s five years ago I figured she would need
some kind of shower chair or stool or whatever to take a bath. I couldn't
2 hours ago
J, so sad. The war mongers are safely protected while their citizens are bullet and bomb fodder.The war mongers do not see the carnage, safely tucked away. Heartbreaking -N
very touching! I hope this war will end soon!
❤️ Their hearts are filled with gratitude. They were not thinking of themselves but of the soldiers. I wonder if we Americans would be that way? We in America take things for granted and have become a “me first” nation.
So touching, the music a perfect compliment. The taste of freedom from Russian oppression is greater the taste of food at the moment.
N, I don't understand how this is happening.
Kat, me too.
Izsmom, so grateful.
Chet, I agree.
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