Wendell got these HAYUGE kobumaki from Kabuki in Waimalu Shopping Center. They're $3.75 each and are only made on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

This strange recipe is originally from Wendell's sister Lois from a long time ago. I actually couldn't find my copy of the recipe. Luckily, Geri saved hers, and she even had some lye water to give me too.
Palama Market had Korean cucumbers on sale for $1.39/pound, and since I'm still into making Quick Cucumber Kim Chee, I went to pick up some.
It's supposed to be sweeter and less bitter than regular cucumbers, but I can't really tell the difference. I did like the firmness and smaller seeds.
Me, my sister and my sister's grand-daughter went galavanting yesterday morning and we ended up at Dell's Kitchen and Bakery where I picked up dinner for the guys.
My sister Geri and her husband are recovering from Covid. Yup, them too. Their sense of taste is returning, so Geri's husband was craving this dish.
Looks so ono, yah!!
My mom developed a scratchy throat and tested positive for COVID yesterday. Her doctor prescribed Paxlovid. Unfortunately, the pharmacy had a problem and wasn't able to fill the prescription.
According to my brother my mom had a restless night with bouts of coughing, coughing, coughing. They gave her some NyQuil which quieted her a bit, and she was able to get some sleep. Thanks Cy and Diem!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
This morning the pharmacy's problem was resolved, and I was able to pick up the Paxlovid.
My brother texted us this afternoon and said that my mom was, according to her, "not 100%, but 100 times better than yesterday". She said that the Paxlovid worked great.
What a relief!
BTW, in case you're wondering . . . my mom is 88 years old and is fully vaccinated up to the second booster.
This is for Chet who asked if tracing is allowed if you're not too good at drawing.
I enjoy tracing. It's easy, fun and stress free.
Hawaii Stands with Ukraine is having a fundraiser this Sunday at Magic Island.
Ticket price is $25 to be donated directly to Ukraine. Here is the info from Instagram:
Please join us for a unique opportunity!!