Saturday, March 7, 2020

Sumo Citrus Seeds

You know how I'm such an awesome gardener, right?

So I'm gonna try and grow Sumo Citrus plants from seeds!! Wish me luck!!


Honolulu Aunty said...


Mark Shelby said...

Yeah for Jalna! Wheeee! ; )

K and S said...


Anonymous said...

I've sprouted a bunch of seeds!
I gave a plant to my boss who has a farm in Kahaluu about 4 or 5 years ago. It is growing nicely but hasn't fruited yet.
The plants I kept all died because i had them in Pots that kept blowing over whenever it got windy.
I have a tiny seedling that is stunted because it is only an inch since last summer and i just sprouted a seed that I will plant today.
Good luck!

jalna said...

Aunty, thanks!!

Mark, LOL.

Kat, yes!

V, yippeee!! Good luck to you too!!!

Kay said...

I hate to tell you this, and I hope I’m wrong. Art grew several super sweet California Meyer seeds from his sister and they haven’t fruited in I forget how many years. Not only that but they all look different. Some have giant thorns, some don’t. Then I read that you have to graft fruit trees to get the same fruit because when you grow from seeds, you don’t get the same plant or some such... I forget. I hope I’m wrong.

jalna said...

Kay, you're probably right, but I'm still gonna try. Just to try.

Anonymous said...

When I first tried to sprout dekopon, I read that these grow true from seeds. That makes me wonder then, once it fruits, will they all have seeds!!?? And, I've always heard that fruit trees from seeds take usually 7 or more years to bear fruit. Hey, Mangosteens take 15 to 20 years!!,
Funny thing is that the one my boss has that is growing nicely, was from the California crop they sell locally, but still hasn't fruited. My stunted 1 inch plant is from a seed I brought back from Japan last February. I need to transplant it because my tomato plant has overgrown it and that's probably whats keeping it from thriving.
Oh, when you plant them and they sprout, keep them protected from birds. I had about 9 just sprouted couple years ago and the birds ate all!

jalna said...

V, frickn birds! All of my Meyer lemon plants that I grew from seed died. I had choke too. The one that lasted the longest (years) did flower, but when I decided to help pollinate it, I found that it was missing the part to pollinate. Then it got some kind of disease and got all black and shriveled up and died. I'm crossing my fingers for the one that your boss has.

Leslie's pics said...

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i like try if it works!!