How are you guys doing? Staying safe I hope. Being cooped up is okay with me because staying at home is my favorite thing anyway. Unfortunately, I may have developed an agoraphobia.
I miss shopping at Ross the most, but just the thought of possibly catching something frightens me. Wendell even had to pick up my medicine from Longs for me. The furthest I've been for over a week has been to the mailbox.
The upside is that I've been drawing and painting a lot. It's so fun and relaxing to me. And luckily, ordering supplies via Amazon is still easy.
Anyway peoples, hang in there. Much love and peaceful thoughts to you.

Hi Jana! This crisis has made me so paranoid and afraid whenever I step out of the house too. I get very anxious when I’m grocery shopping. Of course, I end up not buying everything on my list as I’m trying to get out of there ASAP. Even going on walks to get exercise, if I see someone else coming up towards me, I get nervous and try to move away from them. I’ve been praying to not let my fears get the best of me. Stay safe and I really enjoy reading your blog. Thank you.
I went to Foodland during the 6:00 senior hour this morning and it was pretty crowded still and they'd run out of wipes for the cart. My friend told me she saw some woman at Safeway pull out all the wipes for the carts and put them in a plastic bag. Sheesh!
j: Me too, hunkering down in my place. Just go out to walk the dogs.I'm not a shopper any more so I don't do that anyway. I just binge read on my Kindle Unlimited. I am sooo paranoid about getting sick...and Lt. Gov. Dr. Green said that he thinks the virus is more widespread in the community since they only started testing. He believes there are more cases out there yet to be diagnosed. Yikes! Luckily I found masks I bought years ago and I have plastic disposable gloves so IF I need to leave I'll be totally using them. Have the masks in my bag already. You be safe and healthy too! =N
Made a list of things to do to keep busy.We're still blessed to have shelter and provision.Got put things in perspective.Take care everyone, hang in dere.
glad you are doing well, take care! virtual hug!
Izsmom, ahhhhh, you too? Not just me then.
Kay, ho that lady in Safeway! So selfish.
N, been thinking about you. Glad you're hunkering down.
Chet, thanks for your positive thoughts.
Kat, thanks!
I gained two more adults in my home 😊. It’s all good when the adult kids are home. The cooking, homeschooling, keeping up with grand-dogs keeps me busy. I do want to finish that painting by numbers I bought months and months ago. Praying, trusting God and keeping the faith helps me the most! Take care Jalna and everyone! Lovely paintings as usual!
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