Mailman brought this at 7:00 pm last night. It was actually scheduled to arrive today. Can you guess what it is?
Toilet paper!!! I was so happy that it didn't get highjacked somewhere along the way to my house.
I ordered it last week Thursday when Wendell said to check if Amazon might have. I was so surprised to see that they did have their house brand available. Only thing, I had trouble getting it into my cart. It was glitchy . . . the page freezing slightly . . . then saying "unavailable" . . . then not letting me finalize. But I kept trying. It was a if I was virtually fighting with other people for the toilet paper.
And then I won! LOL. 30 rolls for $19.99.
Right after "winning" I tried again. It had become "backorder" and then "currently unavailable". It's been "currently unavailable" ever since. But I figure they must have supplies coming in, no?

BTW, how many sheets do you use? I use two. Unless . . . you know . . . no can . . . .
TMI, yah. La la la la la . . . . (fingers in ears) . . .
Wow! That is so amazing! Same thing happened to me when I ordered Clorox wipes in a flat pack which I was going to use on our cruise before we ended up postponing until next year. But toilet paper? Wow!
no explanation needed
Congratulations! LOL. Yesterday, a friend who I hadn't seen him in years dropped by and brought ..... toilet paper! It was such a comment on the current state of affairs that the most welcome gift when visiting isn't flowers or food, but toilet paper. Cracked me up. Very sweet of him to take care of Aunty. So now I have enough for months.
tmi for real, glad you got some TP!
Kay, I've been checking back every so often and there are windows that open up once in awhile. But they close very quickly.
V, oh no!!! LOL.
Aunty, so sweet!!!!
Kat, hahahahahaha.
j: I find tp purchase confusing...cuz they got the 'this roll equals this many other rolls' and some are 3x more, 4x, etc. So I can't price compare. And me, I let da roll go for broke! No count, 2 sheets not enough fo' me. I use to wind 'em around my fingers but figured that was too wasteful. I tried cutting back but no can! -N
holy moly that's a lot of TP!
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