One of my favorite watercolor techniques is negative painting where you paint the outside of things instead of the inside.
Here's one that I did last night (and finished this morning). I used Holbein watercolor paints. It takes awhile to do because you have to let each layer dry before working on the next. This one has five layers.

Here's the YouTube tutorial that I followed.
yours looks waaaaay nicer than the tutorial!!!
All I can say So beautiful.
I love it, Jalna!
Esther Nowell taught us that one in her watercolor class - which I flubbed. Now I am taking her ceramic hand building class at Hawaii Potters Guild and I LOVE it! She is an inspiration and will be celebrating her 99th birthday this month!
so pretty!
Ooh! Neat!
super cool!!
Awww, thanks V!
De, thank you!
Thanks, Kay.
Aunty, I think using 100% cotton paper really makes a difference. It's GREAT you're enjoying the ceramic class! Can't believe Esther will be 99 and is still so active!
Thanks Kat.
Izsmom,thank you!
Susan, neat yah!
Thanks Les!
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