Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Bouncy Brush Lettering

This is the kind of brush lettering that I want to do but has been forever eluding me. 😫


Anonymous said...

holy moly! whoddathunk so much goes effort goes into writing. no wonder I no can!

Honolulu Aunty said...

Cool! though not for me - takes too steady a hand and practice. Perfect for you!

K and S said...

love your handwriting!

jalna said...

V, there seems to be a kinda zen thing to doing it. LOL.

Aunty, LOTS of practice for me.

Aww Kat, thanks!

Susan said...

You can do it! I know you can.

jalna said...

Hahaha, thanks Susan. I'll keep practicing!!

Leslie's pics said...

i wish I had the patience to learn that...it's so pretty!